
12 September 2009

Britain's own Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

A couple of links pointing in the direction that the EU and Britain know where oil and gas comes from and will partner with anybody therefore. Our (U.S.) friends in Europe!?

France's idea Euro-Mediterranean partnership mostly a dud though one sees Libya back on board recently.

Recent articles due to Lockerbie bomber being sent home to die (he is).

Trade Between Britain and Libya Set to Soar   Business Week, August 24, 2009

Britain's carefully crafted diplomatic relationship with Libya starts to unravel,  08 Sep 2009

UK in Libya - the official website of British Embassy in Libya

BP owns Britain.

Arctic Sea Cargo Vessel...More or Less under U.S. media radar

A story no one will get to the bottom of....

'Russia's Kommersant daily cited a senior Kremlin source. The revelation appeared to support maritime and military experts who have claimed the ship was carrying S-300 anti-aircraft missiles for Iran, that Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, found out, and that the Kremlin was given time and space to stop the delivery and cover it up in order to save face.' via SILObreaker

Context: U.S. attempting to talk with Iran re nuclear capabilities, Russia arming Venezuela with tanks and missiles...

It would seem arriving a conclusion as to what the facts are ( Russia out of control of its weapons systems which are being dealt without the Kremlin's knowledge...or have they been shipping to Iran for a while now despite agreements which preclude shipping S-300 missiles...)in the context would make sense. Yet it won't happen.

Disturbing aspects: Russia sent their navy to get this ship. H. Clinton was reported in Cape Verde around the time the Arctic Sea was 'found' in the vicinity. 'Pirates' were transported to Russia in the largest cargo aircraft.

Afghanistan a sensible approach...

Go to Newsweek here  newsweek

'The Way Out of Afghanistan' - Fareed Zakaria

'We need to buy off our enemies.'

'The focus must shift from nation building to dealmaking. The central problem in Afghanistan is that the Pashtuns, who make up 45 percent of the country and almost 100 percent of the Taliban, do not feel empowered. We need to start talking to them, whether they are nominally Taliban or not. Buying, renting, or bribing Pashtun tribes should become the centerpiece of America's stabilization strategy, as it was Britain's when it ruled Afghanistan.'

not only feasible, likely cheaper too