
07 January 2012

A FEW THINGS HAVE CHANGED... ORIGINAL POST  AUGUST SEP 2009 see 2009/09/britains-own-euro-mediterranean and in particular, The UK Embassy Libya site has changed a couple of times since 2009 when they were celebrating their new favorable business partner Libya after the Locherbie Bomber Deal, to,NOW ITS 2012, by password only.Thats sanitized.  But wait! -- another click and voila 2010/07/our-british-all-lies-business-before 

"With the Lockerbie bomber's release, Gaddafi's gates swing open to UK firms as his  massive building program begins"-  August 24, 2009, 12:19PM EST Bloomberg businessweek A Live Foucault Pendulum

06 January 2012

 @boingboing thru to snake-handlers-faith-healers-of-the-1940s
--should resolve any questions one might have about snake handlers faith....
Impressive Photos
This Girl Snuck Into a Russian Military Rocket Factoryvia Hacker News

02 January 2012

Good article about what most of you don't care about anyway...Richard_Stallman_Was_Right_All_Along

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