
26 September 2009

The Perestroika Deception:Fact or Opportunistic Interpretation?

The Perestroika Deception  -American Thinker

Review of the book by 'Golitsyn was a high-ranking KGB official involved in espionage and counter-espionage who defected to the United States in 1961.'  - The Fatima Network

Explores the notion that the cold war never ended and was in fact a ruse to allow the revolution overthrowing capitalism to go on....

Curiously similar to some of my speculative ravings that the conversion to the Euro was an action plan under a similar these guys are nuts I suppose. However, see next post above....

20 September 2009

Iran Crux

"It is a certainty to all of our secret services. Iran is working today on a nuclear [weapons] program," Sarkozy told lawmakers from his UMP party on Tuesday, according to Press TV. 
-The Jerusalem Post via The Jawa Report 16 Sep 09

- Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak was quoted on Thursday as saying he does not view Iran as a threat to the existence of the Jewish state, a view that would seem to depart from Israeli statements of the recent past.
-Reuters via TPM 17 Sep 09 Nodes of term Caspian Sea Zero Hedge Submitted by Keyser Soze 19 Sep 09 

Do these mean the Caspian Sea is now Russia's new lake?- a done deal? -The 'Arctic Sea' melted into the Caspian Sea? Iran already sanctioned before sanctions and more geographically contained?