
09 September 2012

Cleveland Weather Favorite Links

forecastweathergov Probability of thunder, rain, etc. and predicted temp and humidity graphs

forecast weather gov Daily Iconified Forecast

Wunderground Radar Map Recent Real time radar of rain and storms

26 April 2012


White Dogwood

01 February 2012

07 January 2012

A FEW THINGS HAVE CHANGED... ORIGINAL POST  AUGUST SEP 2009 see 2009/09/britains-own-euro-mediterranean and in particular, The UK Embassy Libya site has changed a couple of times since 2009 when they were celebrating their new favorable business partner Libya after the Locherbie Bomber Deal, to,NOW ITS 2012, by password only.Thats sanitized.  But wait! -- another click and voila 2010/07/our-british-all-lies-business-before 

"With the Lockerbie bomber's release, Gaddafi's gates swing open to UK firms as his  massive building program begins"-  August 24, 2009, 12:19PM EST Bloomberg businessweek A Live Foucault Pendulum

06 January 2012

 @boingboing thru to snake-handlers-faith-healers-of-the-1940s
--should resolve any questions one might have about snake handlers faith....
Impressive Photos
This Girl Snuck Into a Russian Military Rocket Factoryvia Hacker News

02 January 2012

Good article about what most of you don't care about anyway...Richard_Stallman_Was_Right_All_Along

NTM Archive