
03 August 2010

Items of Interest and Basic Questions

Where tax evaders go offshore nowadays Treasure Islands: Mapping the Geography of Corruption by Khadija Sharife at

BP at what level do these crimes go unpunished?
Drilling in salt domes under the gulf of Mexico a mile down...can it be done safely...can you prove it can be done the risks far outweigh the oil gathered? - Why aren't these questions the ones being asked? Answer is that at this time there would be no drilling...the answeres being No, No and Yes. Instead the dialogues are elsewhere obscuring and irrelevant and the criminals escape punishment. ... So the Gulf of Mexico will rot, pricesless and therefore never paid for and BP and Britain and our own oil hungry America and its government will seem to escape without consequences for the perps...but Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, perhaps the East Coast and the Carribean will suffer or be partly destroyed instead. (So we have the oil on hand to be able to attack Iran? which will of course justify emergency oil drilling...for a war like Iraq and the Afghanistan wars - which were are for oil and control of oil versus Russia and China where in the latter case our capitalists sent all our production jobs...and in the former case the deposed CEO of BP will be employed for Russian Oil interests of BP and Russia against the U.S.)(So I have to paranoidly wonder if Britain is not now a tool of the 'other great powers' against the United States, either by purposeful intent or the action of moles....?)

ever-wondered-how-you-know-you-are-depression-david-rosenberg-explains good one over at Zero-Hedge

40  Bizarre Statistics That Reveal The Horrifying Truth About The Collapse Of The U.S. Economy over at  I hate articles that start 10 top, 13 worst, 40 most; still this one has some gem items if true such as

4 - In America today, the average time needed to find a job has risen to a record 35.2 weeks.

yes, the initial experiments went so very well (not) we are bringing this out again to show we have the tools to suck up all that inflationary cash we printed (which no one has seen a sign of yet) to be able to control the inflation 'everyone'(everyone who has no clue whatsoever about economics) fears follows our cash printing, demonstrating once again, a focus on the irrelevant dangerously skewed to the side of reality -off target...the hyperinflation following a deflation has nothing to do with the cash you printed has to do with money chasing fewer and fewer items to purchase...(God help us all!)